Jamie Murray is overdue a session with Forzoni who taught brother Andy

28th May 2009

As with anything in life, there are distinct dangers of being too self analytical but Murray has been discussing his situation with those closest. “Sometimes I speak to my mum and she’s like ‘Look, if this is what you want to do then you’ve got to work harder. You’ve got to do this, you’ve got to do that. You’re good enough. You’ve got to make it happen.’

“Then I’ll go out and I’ll practise and I’ll feel good about my game again and I’ll have a smile on my face. The next day you’ll come out and everything will feel bad, the world will feel like it’s going to end. It’s just frustrating. That’s hard.”

Some might say Murray is overdue a session with sports psychologist Robert Forzoni who taught brother Andy the benefits of positive thinking when he was struggling to recapture his confidence after missing the French Open and Wimbledon because of a wrist injury a couple of years ago. Jamie disagrees: “I don’t feel in my mind that I’m to the point where I feel I’m banging my head on a brick wall or anything, or that I have no idea what I’m doing.

“But 18 months ago I was so happy. I had direction and got my ranking up to the point where I could play on the tour. And then I started to play with Eric Butorac and we did so well straight away. Things were good.